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Monday, 10. August 2015 9:30 am – 1:00 pm Save in my calendar


Gender and Economic Policy Discussion Forum XVII:

Placing Women’s Unpaid Work in Development Policy

The Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST), in association with Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBF), presents the seventeenth Gender and Economic Policy Discussion Forum (GEP).

The Forum is a series of conferences to be held between the months of January 2015 and November 2015.

The intention of these forums is to bring together the best people from government, research, policy, etc, highlight key issues and add to on-going debates. Discussion notes are prepared for wider circulation after the forums are over.

The next, and seventeenth forum is on 'Placing Women's Unpaid Work in Development Policy' scheduled for the 10th of August 2015, from 10 am to 1 pm, followed by lunch, at Casuarina, India Habitat Centre.


Shalini Yog
Program Coordinator

Part of the series
Gender and Economic Policy Discussion Forum
External Event
Briefing Note 17