- Friday, 06. December 2013 – Saturday, 07. December 2013 Save in my calendar
Whatever happened to Privacy? - A Mobilize! Event
International Activism Conference
Jacob Appelbaum, Tor Project, U.S.A. contributor SPIEGEL
Hans-Christian Ströbele, MdB Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen, Berlin
Maria Xynou, Center for Internet and Society, India
Jillian York, Electronic Frontier Foundation, U.S.A.
Priya Basil, Author, theguardian.com, UK
Markus Löning, Human Rights Officer, Foreign Office, Berlin
Konrad Becker, World-Information.net, Austria
Sonya Yan Song, Mozilla Open News, China/USA
Stefan Candea, thesponge.eu, Romania
Prof. David Vincent, Professor of Social History, The Open University,
Milton Keynes, UK
Markus Beckedahl, netzpolitik.org
Event locations:
Fr, 6. Dez. 19 - 21 Uhr
c-base e.V., Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin
Sa, 7. Dez. 10 - 19 Uhr
mindpirates e.V., Schlesische Str. 38, 10997 Berlin
So, 08.Dez. 15:00
Open Workshop: "Journalism Networks" in der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V.
“Whatever happened to Privacy?” brings together international activists on focal topics and combines bar camp style work sessions and political round tables with a classic public event,
“Whatever happened to Privacy?” will focus on an issue which has far reaching consequences for politically active people across the world – the issue of privacy and surveillance.
The revelations around the NSA and GCHQ as well as other countries secret service digital surveillance activities have spurred political debate. This debate will be intensified at “Whatever happened to Privacy?” formulating political demands, developing action strategies and debating questions such as:
- What cultural and political value does privacy have today?
- What are the societal implications of the wide spread “I have nothing to hide” attitude?
- What political actions are necessary to protect citizens from mass surveillance and what tools exist for people to secure their online communication?
A part of our two day Conference “Whatever happened to Privacy?” is organized under the title “Whatever happened to Journalism?” organized by berlinergazette.de and Heinrich-Böll-Foundation.In the age of (micro-)blogs and big data, the Forth Estate is suspended between extremes. Radical fragmentation and monolithic centralization pose multiple threats to democracy. The conference “Whatever happened to journalism?” engages upon a critique of this development and explores alternatives.
- Entrance Fee
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