Online diskuze
- Úterý, 17. říjen 2023 10:00 am – 11:30 am Uložit v mém kalendáři
Can European parties help LGBTI+ people in Slovakia?
Online discussion
We cordially invite you to an online discussion titled Can European parties help LGBTI+ people in Slovakia? we organize together with the EuroPolicy civic association and EURACTIV Slovakia.
WHEN: October 17, 2023 | 10.00 - 11.30 AM CET
WHERE: Zoom platform
REGISTRATION: registration form
ORGANIZERS: The EuroPolicy civic association and EURACTIV Slovakia, in cooperation with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague office
About the discussion:
- While major European parties and European Parliament Groups claim to support LGBTI+ rights, their member parties in Slovakia spread hateful rhetoric without any repercussions, even as it is costing Europeans in Slovakia their lives.
- As the departure of Viktor Orbán's Fidesz from the European People's Party proved, the parties have tools to voice discontent with members who no longer fit their values.
- Speaking out against hate and misinformation could also help make European parties more visible in Slovakia and possibly raise historically low turnout in EU elections, which are planned for next June.
- How can European parties influence their members?
- Do LGBTI+ issues matter in EU policy?
- What can the European Parliament do to protect LGBTI+ communities across Europe?
Opening remarks:
- Kateřina Boťová, programme coordinator, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Praha
- Kim van Sparrentak, MEP, co-President of the LGBTI Intergroup in the European Parliament and member of the Greens/EFA group
- Fredrik Saweståhl, president EPP-aligned LGBT Alliance
- Sebastian Pay, vice President of Rainbow Rose
- Martin Macko, executive director of Inakost initiative
- Barbara Zmušková, editor, EURACTIV SLOVAKIA
- Adresa
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