Speaker Faris Cuchi Gezahegn, intersectional LGBTIQA* advocate. Creator: Ciwan Veysel. All rights reserved.

Online discussion

Thursday, 05. November 2020 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Save in my calendar

Online discussion

A feminist exploration: Visibility & symbolic politics

Shedding light on the topic of the visibility of LGBTIQA* refugees and its relation to power structures.

Watch the recording of this online discussion here.

Join us for the fifth edition of “A feminist exploration” – this time, we will shed light on the topic of the visibility of LGBTIQA* refugees and its relation to power structures. Together with LGBTIQA* advocate Faris Cuchi Gezahegn, we will explore how in knowledge production, some voices are structurally recognised while others are systematically disregarded.

This raises many questions: whose politics are visible? And whose expertise is marginalised? Whose voices are heard and whose are deliberately silenced in public discourse, media, policymaking and academia? What is visibility and what does it entail? Why is it not enough to create attention through visibility? What do the claims to “make voices heard” and “make people on the margins seen” truly mean? What are the power structures that form such realities? Visibility does not equal liberation - but how can it become a tool to liberate people?

Join us for an honest discussion on visibility and its contributions and translation into liberation. This monthly discussion series is powered by and created for feminist scholars, activists and policy makers – in Europe and beyond.


  • 30-minute Discussion with Faris Cuchi Gezahegn, intersectional LGBTIQA* advocate, co-moderated by Pauline Mukanza, European Women’s Lobby and Francesca Schmidt, Gunda Werner Institute.
  • 30-minute Q&A with the audience.

Watch previous feminist explorations on our YouTube channel.

If you have any questions, please contact Anna Trzcinska.

The technical requirements for participating in the event are a computer, tablet or smartphone with a speaker. Online events will be held using the Zoom software, which will provide a link for participating.The event will be recorded. On first using Zoom, this access link will initiate the download of the client software ("Zoom-launcher.exe"). This software must be executed or installed (recommended) on your computer. If you prefer not to download it, please click on the link "join via browser". Note: This option is only available for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Please join the event a few minutes before its start time. After registering for an event, our privacy policy applies. The Heinrich Böll Foundation is not liable for the Zoom software. The Zoom privacy policy is available here.

➽ Online Event
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Brussels - European Union