Online discussion

Tuesday, 15. December 2020 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Save in my calendar

Online discussion

Human rights and democratic space in Latin America: What can the EU do in times of crisis?

An event by the EU-LAC Working Group

Watch the recording of this event on our YouTube channel.

EU-LAC Dec2020

Over the last year and a half, Latin America has witnessed a deterioration in the confidence of its citizens in its institutions. There is a political and economic elite that has been accumulating decision-making power and wealth, while spaces for dialogue and democratic participation have been shrinking. This situation has led to an increase in the levels of poverty, inequality and violence. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has unleashed an unprecedented health, economic and social crisis that the region has experienced with an increase in control by the authorities; as well as a greater reduction in the spaces for civil society to influence, protect and promote public policies to assist the most impoverished and vulnerable populations.

The EU-LAC working group is organizing an online conference on "Human rights and democratic space in Latin America: what can the EU do in times of crisis", which will take place on Tuesday 15 December 2020, from 15:00 to 16:30 CET, on Zoom.

Representatives of civil society in Latin America will present the challenges in their contexts and how they have found innovative ways, even virtually, to continue working for the rights of the population. Invited panelists will also address the issue by looking at the role that the European Union should play in supporting civil society, including through the implementation of the new Action Plans in relation to the Latin American Region. There will be space for dialogue between civil society and the authorities of the European Union.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EU-LAC group through the EU-LAT Network, email We look forward to your participation and do not hesitate to share this invitation with colleagues who may be interested.

The EU-LAC Working Group for is a platform composed of CONCORD, the EU-LAT Network and the Oidhaco Network, some of its member organizations such as 11.11.11., CNCD-11.11.11, Oxfam, Solidar, WSM, Coordinadora ONGD-Spain, as well as other CSOs that have worked for many years in Latin American and Caribbean countries, such as Pax Christi International and the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

Note: The technical requirements for participating in the event are a computer, tablet or smartphone with a speaker. The online event will be held using the Zoom software, which will provide a link for participating. The event will be recorded. On first using Zoom, this access link will initiate the download of the client software ("Zoom-launcher.exe"). This software must be executed or installed (recommended) on your computer. If you prefer not to download it, please click on the link "join via browser". Note: This option is only available for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Please join the event a few minutes before its start time. After registering for an event, our privacy policy applies. The Heinrich Böll Foundation is not liable for the Zoom software. The Zoom privacy policy is available here. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Trzcinska.

➽ Online Event
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Brussels - European Union