Online discussion series
- Friday, 11. March 2022 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Save in my calendar
Böll.Global 10 | Europe at a crossroads: The war in Ukraine and what it means for Europe
An online discussion series on current international developments
With its attack on Ukraine, Russia has brought war to the heart of Europe and shattered the European security system. The war against Ukraine is a turning point for Europe: 24 February 2022 saw the dawn of a new epoch, of which the nature and direction of which are still unknown. The Ostpolitik of dialogue and interdependence with Russia of the last decades has failed. The Cold War and competition between systems are back, in a new form and in a multipolar world. Rather than a Soviet post-war generation in the Kremlin, prepared to work together with the West on a mostly rational Realpolitik-based foundation of mutual trust at least in the final years of the Soviet Union, the Kremlin is now dominated by a leadership elite clique forged in the breakup of the Soviet bloc, acting unpredictably and irresponsibly.
The commander-in-chief and President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is denying the people of Ukraine the right to their own independent statehood, history and culture and intends to absorb them into the “Russian world” by force. But resistance in Ukraine, a country which is finally on a long and difficult road to nation-building, has been enormous and has taken the unexpected form of an existential fight for personal survival as well as for the country’s survival as a sovereign state and society. The longer the war continues, the greater the danger of further brutalisation. Meanwhile, a ceasefire and political solutions are currently looking unlikely.
A return to the status quo for Europe and NATO is equally unlikely. This is why it is so important to start reflecting now on how the European sphere and its institutions should respond to these new challenges.
Introduction: Live link-up with Sofia Oliynyk, Democracy Coordinator, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Kyiv office
Dr. Antonie Nord, Head of the International Department of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, foundation will be joined by
- Dr. Stefanie Harter, Director, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Moscow office
- Johannes Voswinkel, Director, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Kyiv office
- Dr. Sabine Fischer, German Institute for International and Security Affairs
- Robin Wagener, Member of the Bundestag, Alliance 90/The Greens
to discuss the following questions, amongst others:
- How are current events and the humanitarian situation developing in Ukraine?
- What are Moscow’s objectives with its war against Ukraine? Which ones has it achieved, which have failed and what should we expect next?
- What will be the effects of this war as a humanitarian disaster and existential threat to Ukrainian society and statehood and what further developments are possible and likely?
- What will the consequences of the war be for the EU as a community of values and for Europe’s future security policy, also in view of the global challenges? What are Germany and the EU’s options for action and how should they respond?
- What could and should a new Russia policy consist of?
- What awaits the refugees and what are their prospects? What implications will developments have for EU policy and how Europe deals with asylum and flight?
Louisa Reeh
E reeh@boell.de
Event language: English and German. Simultaneous translation will be provided.
Contact: reeh@boell.de
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