6th Prague Populism Conference. Creator: HBS Prague. Creative Commons License LogoThis image is licensed under Creative Commons License.


Monday, 17. May 2021 – Wednesday, 19. May 2021 Save in my calendar


6th Prague Populism Conference

The 6th #PraguePopulismConference will focus on what has changed in populism since the start of the pandemic. It is organized by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Prague and Goethe-Institute Prague. The conference will be held online.

Šestá pražská konference o populismu se zaměří na proměny populismu od počátku pandemie. Organizují ji Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Praha, Fakulta Sociálních věd UK v Praze a Goethe-Institut Praha. Konference se bude konat online.

For both the public and academic parts of the conference, please register via the form at https://bit.ly/31mc3Oj

Na veřejnou i akademickou část konference se registrujte pomocí formuláře na https://bit.ly/31mc3Oj

The final programme can be found HERE.

Finální program konference najdete ZDE.

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1) 17. 5. 2021: 18:00 – 19:30

Opening public debate: Populism and the pandemic in Central Europe / Zahajovací veřejná debata: Populismus a pandemie ve střední Evropě

(Interpreting ENG/CZ, tlumočení AJ/ČJ)

Guests / Hosté: Katarzyna Wielga-Skolimowska (Goethe-Institut), Paula Diehl (Professor for Political Theory and History of Ideas Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel), Ondřej Císař (Charles University Prague), Viera Žúborová (Bratislava Policy Institute)

YouTube livestream:

Populism and the pandemic in Central Europe: https://youtu.be/QLAvyw94hHU

Populismus a pandemie ve střední Evropě: https://youtu.be/AFcEYq4nLbA

2) 19. 5. 2021: 18:00-19:30

Book launch: Populism and Gender Backlash / Představení knihy: Populismus a "Gender-backlash"

(Interpreting ENG/CZ, tlumočení AJ/ČJ)

Guests / Hosté: Adéla Jurečková (Head of Office, HBS Prague), Martin Mejstřík (co-editor of the book, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague), Anna Grudzinska (Lazarski University), Robert Sata (Central European University), Andrea Petö (Central European University)

3) 18. - 19. 5. 2021

Academic part of the conference (English only)

18. 5. 2021

9:30 – 10:30 Keynote speech by Nonna Mayer: Why the pandemic does not necessarily boost support for populist radical rights: the French case

10:45 – 12:30 Panel I
14:00 – 15:45 Panel II
16:00 – 17:45 Panel III

19. 5. 2021

9:30 – 10:30 Keynote speech by Danielle Albertazzi: Participation Without Power: Activism, Community and Centralization Among the Populist Radical Right

10:45 – 12:30 Panel IV
14:00 – 15:45 Panel V

➽ Online Event
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague - Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary