Online discussion
- Monday, 13. December 2021 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Save in my calendar
Digital food transition in Europe
A discussion on how digitalisation can be sustainably shaped in the agriculture and food fields, the opportunities and challenges arising from new technologies and innovation, as well as which policy requirements are emerging in the European context.
A discussion on how digitalisation can be sustainably shaped in the agriculture and food fields, the opportunities and challenges arising from new technologies and innovation, as well as which policy requirements – including for Germany’s new federal government – are therefore emerging in the European context.
Satellite analyses that provide farmers with information about soil quality, growth patterns and impending pest infestations, vegan schnitzels from the 3D printer or even an app that helps us choose our food: digitalisation in the agriculture and nutrition fields is in full swing. Much more than we often realise, smart tech and AI are already playing a decisive role in the production, distribution and consumption of food, and are continuing to gain importance every day.
Digitalisation is also seen as a key element of European processes, such as the EU’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies for a socio-ecological transformation. And the topic was even referred to in the party manifestos for Germany’s recent federal election. When it comes to implementation and political support, however, concrete and holistically conceived approaches and visions, as well as a policy framework, have so far been lacking.
In view of this, we therefore want to take a closer look, together with our guests, at the plans outlined by Germany’s incoming “traffic light” federal government in their recently presented coalition agreement. We also want to discuss how digitalisation can be sustainably shaped in the agriculture and food fields, the opportunities and challenges arising from new technologies and innovation, as well as which policy requirements – including for Germany’s new federal government – are therefore emerging in the European context.
- Silvia Bender, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture..
- Hendrik Haase, communication designer, consultant and author of “Food Code – Wie wir in der digitalen Welt die Kontrolle über unser Essen behalten” (Food Code – How we keep control over our food in the digital world)
- Prof. Gianluca Brinori, Department of Agricultural Economics, Food and Environment, University of Pisa (Italy).
- Lisa Tostado, Head of Programme - International Climate, Trade and Agricultural Policy, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union
Simultaneous interpretation from German into English will be provided at the event.
Contact: Jean de Dieu Cirhigiri, cirhigiri@boell.de
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- Language
- German
- English
- Simultaneous translation