Online event

Monday, 08. July 2024 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Save in my calendar

Online event

Europe Calling: France after the vote

What next for the rule of law, climate, and women's rights?

Hardly anyone expected this: The final results of the European elections hadn't even been announced, when French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly and called new elections for 30 June. The second round will follow on 7 July. 

The result of the first round on Sunday was a bombshell. 

Marine Le Pen's far-right "Rassemblement National" won 33 per cent of the vote, ahead of the green-left "Front Populaire" alliance with 28 per cent. President Macron's party alliance "Ensemble" was in third place with 21 per cent, followed by the conservative "Les Républicaines" with 10 per cent.

However, what the result of the first round means for the composition of the French National Assembly is still completely unclear, as only 76 out of 577 constituencies were decided in the first round of voting. 501 constituencies will go into the run-off next Sunday with up to three candidates. 

The big question now is how the votes will be redistributed in the run-off elections.

While the final outcome of the election is completely unclear, one thing is already certain: Macron will no longer have his own relative or absolute majority and will have to co-govern as president with a government elected by a different parliamentary majority.

Together with Europe Calling, we want to take a very close look at the result in this webinar on the day after the election and discuss its significance for the rule of law, the ecological transformation, and women's rights. Always with an eye on Europe and Franco-German relations.

Our guests are:

  • Dr Yann Wernert, Senior Policy Fellow for Franco-German relations, Jacques Delors Centre 
  • Anna Cavazzini, MEP, Greens/EFA, Chair of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)
  • Floriane Volt, Director for Public and Legal Affairs, Fondation des Femmes
  • Sandy Olivar Calvo, Agriculture & Food Campaigner, Greenpeace France
  • Additional guests from Germany and France are invited
  • Moderation & introduction: Marc Berthold, Director, Heinrich Böll Foundation Paris & Maximilian Fries, Managing Director of Europe Calling e.V.

The webinar will be simultaneously translated into German, French and English.

Register here!

Marc Berthold 

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➽ Online Event
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Paris - France