Porträts of the exhibition. Creator: Leon Sinowenka. All rights reserved.


Monday, 21. October 2024 – Friday, 08. November 2024 Save in my calendar


Faces of Peace

Images of war and violence currently dominate the news. And yet they still exist - people who overcome enmities and work towards coexistence without violence. All too often, their commitment and their stories remain invisible. On this evening, they will become visible: a new exhibition by the Forum Civil Peace Service e.V. presents ten people who have themselves experienced war and flight and who are using these experiences to campaign for peace. At the vernissage, you will get to know the moving stories of these courageous people. In the spirit of UN Resolution 1325 ‘Women, Peace and Security’, which was adopted in October 2000, you will learn why the perspectives of women and other marginalised groups are essential for peace processes.

The exhibition "Faces of Peace" can be seen from 21 October to 8 November 2024.

Cooperation of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation with Forum Civil Peace Service e.V.

Joanna Barelkowska, Global Unit for Feminism and Gender Democracy, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation
E-Mail, barelkowska@boell.de,   Telefon +49(0)285 34 -319

Mon, 21. Oct 2024 (Europe/Berlin) 6:00 pm – Fri, 08. Nov 2024 (Europe/Berlin), 6:00 pm Save in my calendar
Monday, 21. October 2024
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Headquarter Berlin
Schumannstr. 8
10117 Berlin
Heinrich Böll Foundation - Headquarters Berlin