Fati's Choice. Creator: Fati's Choice Fatimah Dadzie. All rights reserved.

Film presentation and talk

Wednesday, 09. November 2022 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Save in my calendar

Film presentation and talk

Fati's Choice

About the difficult return of a migrant woman to Ghana

Fati has made the arduous and dangerous journey from her village in Ghana to Europe. Disillusioned by her time in Italy and driven by the longing for her children, whom she had to leave behind, she decides to return to her motherland. Back at home, she is meet with incomprehension and resentment from her village community. How could she let this chance for a better life for herself and her entire family pass by?

The moving documentary "Fati's Choice" offers a change of perspective that also contrasts the current German migration policy and especially return policy. What is it like for people returning from Europe? Why does no one want to know about their difficulties in a foreign country and how does social pressure affect migrants? How voluntary is return in the end? Do German return programmes address such realities? What could change?


  • Fatimah Dadzie, film director, Ghana
  • Valentin Feneberg, Research Associate, Humboldt University Berlin
  • Moderation: Kirsten Krampe, Head of the Africa Department of the Heinrich Böll Foundation

Language: English

Fati’s Choice
By Fatimah Dadzie
Documentary Film (Ghana, South Africa, 2021, 45 minutes, English subtitles

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Headquarter Berlin
Schumannstr. 8
10117 Berlin
Heinrich Böll Foundation - Headquarters Berlin
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