- Thursday, 25. April 2024 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Save in my calendar
The Gauteng NPO Funding Crisis
Fear, Control & the Loss of Social Care Services
In October 2022, political power changed hands in Gauteng. And with new leadership, came new political priorities and dreams: service delivery brigades, crime prevention/traffic wardens, Green Angels emergency service workers, solar technicians and training opportunities for up to 500,000 people in the province. These ambitions have, however, come at a price. Expenditure on NPO social care services has decreased by at least R299 million over the last two financial years, with the brunt of these losses largely being borne by women, who not only comprise the majority of service users, but also the majority of NPO workers.
Please join us in conversation with the Gauteng Care Crisis Committee to learn more about the loss of social care services in Gauteng and its implications for the rights of vulnerable groups in the province.
25 APRIL 2024 @ 13:00 - 14:30 ONLINE VIA ZOOM
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➽ See event description