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Wednesday, 29. May 2024 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Save in my calendar


Emerging Trends in Indian Foreign Policy: Perspectives for the West

The Indian Foreign Policy Series: People, Power and Perspectives

In the past decade, India's foreign policy has evolved significantly, blending new partnerships with traditional alliances. India's increasing assertiveness on the global stage reflects its ambition to be a pole in a multipolar world while navigating dramatic geopolitical shifts. Its deepening ties with the West, especially in trade, security, and technology, balanced with relations with Russia and China, highlight the importance of understanding historical factors and pragmatic interests. The growing, cautious rapprochement with the U.S. and Europe is unprecedented. India's evolving threat perception of China is reshaping regional dynamics in the Indo-Pacific. Furthermore, its engagement with multilateral forums raises questions about its approach to global governance. This webinar will explore these emerging trends, socio-political contexts, and key drivers shaping India's foreign policy in the coming years.

Some of the key questions for discussion will include:

- What are the key driving factors to look forward to in Indian foreign policy in the immediate future?

- How does one understand India’s use of multilateral forums and its approach to global governance? 

- What are the key gaps in the Western understanding of India’s articulation of its national interests while pursuing its foreign policy?

The webinar is organized jointly by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Berlin together with the New Delhi Regional Office in collaboration with the Council for Strategic and Defence Research (CSDR). It is the first in a series on ‘Indian Foreign Policy: People, Power and Perspectives’.


Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
15:00 hrs IST / 11:30 hrs CEST/CET



Dinakar Peri - Defense Correspondent, The Hindu

Amb Rakesh Sood - Distinguished Fellow, CSDR and Former Diplomat

Prof C Raja Mohan - Advisor, CSDR and Visiting Professor, ISAS, NUS

Ranja Sengupta - Senior Researcher and Coordinator: Trade Programme, Third World Network