Film presentation and talk

Saturday, 14. October 2023 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm Save in my calendar
Sunday, 15. October 2023 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Save in my calendar
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Film presentation and talk

Return of King´s Daughters

An installative radio play performance by kainkollektiv & the cosmic sisters

In RETURN OF THE KINGSDAUGHTERS kainkollektiv & die cosmic sisters open a sound space in the form of a walk-in radio play that aims to bring to the ear the stories and songs of those forgotten/erased "king's daughters" that our white, male-dominated history of civilization has constantly made disappear since the time of antiquity. In an entirely acoustic-musical composed soundscape, the voices, narratives, personal accounts & soundscapes of cultures erased by Western colonial history appear in an (afro)futuristic & docu-fictional counter-journey through times and spaces.

Between pop & opera, indigenous chants & electro, artists* from South Africa (ANNALYZER), Cameroon (ALIMA), Iran (9T ANTIOPE aka Sara Bigdeli Shamloo & Nima Aghiani) & Canada/Germany (Vanessa Chartrand Rodrigue) - the cosmic "sisters of Medea" - develop together "Songs of Future Care" and invite the listening audience to join them in a 3D soundspace, to liquefy their own (cultural/national) echo-chambers and to get to the bottom of the sonic question in an acoustic evocation of ghosts and the dead, which always appears on the horizon at the beginning as well as in the continuation of the colonial heritage: WHO OWNS HISTORY? Whose memory counts?


Venue: tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Prinzenstraße 85 F, 10969 Berlin


Languages: German, English and French

Cooperation Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and kainkollektiv

Information: Joanna Barelkowska, Project Coordination, Global Unit for Feminism and Gender Democracy, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

T +49(0)285 34 -319

➽ See event description
Heinrich Böll Foundation - Headquarters Berlin