- Saturday, 14. October 2023 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm Save in my calendar
- Sunday, 15. October 2023 11:00 am – 6:00 pm Save in my calendar Save all dates in my calendar
Feministische Räume des Teilens der Geschichten und Praktiken eines "guten Lebens"
The tak opens its doors for a special experiment. kainkollektiv and its collaborators of care invite to the Schools of care-Try out at Moritzplatz.
Saturday, 14. Oktober 2023, 01:00pm - 07:00pm
Sunday, 15. Oktober 2023, 11.00am - 06:00pm
Schools of care are schools of unlearning and learning anew, of sharing and linking forms ofknowledge that we would never have imagined, of energies and practices that make anotherway of living together tangible. Sorgeschulen are anti-schools of information and memorization,they are rather places of experiences, energies and memories of a different future than those ofthe crises and catastrophes of the present. Sorgeschools design (feminist) spaces of sharing all the histories, gestures, practices, and narratives that our "school wisdom" knows nothing about.
How do colonial histories since ancient Greece, shamanic rituals from the Mari people, andfeminist practices of empowerment connect in a qigong workshop by artist and activist JouliaStrauss? What does it look like, the toolbox for future feminist practices to be elaborated and tested withPolish curators Anna Majewska and Zuza Berendt in Open Space using techniques andpractices of feminist ways of working and narratives? How do the tak and its surroundingneighborhood become a (world) space for new maps, alliances, ways and practices of aglocal, cosmopolitan togetherness?
We want to reinvent the ancient schools of care, which already more than 2,500 years agophilosophically and practically asked about the conditions for a "good life", as performative SCHOOLS OF CARE today. We ask ourselves "How do we want to live (together)?" and try tofind new contemporary and forward-looking answers. In doing so, we want to move, talk, eattogether while sharing feminist everyday practices.
Venue: tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg, Prinzenstraße 85 F, 10969 Berlin
- Anna Majewska (curator, Pracownia Kuratorska, Poland)
- Zuzanna Berendt (curator, Pracownia Kuratorska, Poland)
- Edith Voges Nana Tchuinang (director & artist, Camerun)
- Elena Novakovis (dramaturge, scientist, author and curator, Greece)
- Sebastian Kirsch (theater scientist, Germany)
- Joulia Strauss (artist and activist, Avtonomi Akadimia Platonos Jungle Athen, Russia / Greece)
Registration: info@kainkollektiv.de
Cooperation: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and kainkollektiv.
Information: Joanna Barelkowska, Project Coordinator, Global Unit for Feminism and Gender Democracy
E barelkowska@boell.de
T +49(0)285 34 -319
- Address
➽ See event description
- Language
- German
- English
- Entrance Fee
- keine