- Monday, 13. May 2024 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Save in my calendar
Talk with descendants on the restitution of ancestors to Tanzania
For decades, families from Tanzania have been demanding the restitution of the remains of their ancestors: executed leaders of the resistance against the colonial power in so-called German East Africa. Around 1900, thousands of ancestral remains were sent from the colonies to Berlin, among other places, for racist research. As part of the MAREJESHO research exhibition, it was possible for the first time to identify some of the missing leaders through DNA comparison.
However, many families still do not know where their ancestors are. And even the return of those identified for burial in their homeland is proving difficult. In a public talk, descendants speak about their search and the urgency of bringing their ancestors home. Decolonize Berlin will also present the app wewantthemback.berlin, which was developed together with descendants and offers an initial tool for searching for ancestral remains.
Zablon Kiwelu und Sindato Ndesamburo, descendants of Akida Sindato Kiwelu
Felix Kaaya, descendant of Mangi Lobulu Kaaya
John Mbano, descendant of Chief Songea Mbano
Anael Meli, descendant of Mangi Meli
Moderation: Isabelle Reimann, HU Berlin and Konradin Kunze, Flinn Works
Marejesho exhibition at TAT (Tieranatomisches Theater)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Campus Nord.
Maria Kind
May 15, 2024 / 9.30am until 6.00pm / Forum: DINO IN THE ROOM
Civil society dialogue on German colonial history in Tanzania
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Schumannstr. 8, 12357 Berlin
- Address
➽ See event description
- Language
- English