Online event
- Monday, 18. March 2024 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Save in my calendar
We have to talk! - Four perspectives on the threat of antisemitism in today's Europe
The Paris office of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung (hbs) is launching a series of webinars on the intertwine of racism and antisemitism in European societies. As a green and German political foundation, hbs is committed to combating all forms of racism, discrimination and hate, including antisemitism and islamophobia. The first episode will focus on the different forms antisemitism can manifest in our societies.
These forms of hatred are sometimes manipulated to divide communities, by setting against marginalized minorities and perceived majorities. In certain instances, antisemitism is labeled as “imported”, attributing it predominantly to Arab descendants while downplaying its presence across all sectors of society.
These hinder a comprehensive understanding of an issue deeply ingrained in European societies. Deadly attacks on Jewish schools and shops, desecration of cemeteries and tags on synagogues are certainly the most evident ways antisemitism manifests. But the vast majority of anti-Semitic episodes are less visible, as the most recent European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights survey reports: around 90% of European Jews feel antisemitism is growing in their country and almost 30% report incidents of harassment. What is more, they predominantly rate antisemitism as the most significant problem in their lives.
However, antisemitism is not a problem of Jews only; too often minimized or dismissed as secondary, it is something that affects our societies, and this not from today. Indeed, there is a long story of antisemitism in Europe: dating from the accusation of deicide and the Inquisition to the conspiracy theories around the “Elders of Zion”, the Kielce pogrom, the killing of Ilan Halimi and the Halle synagogue shooting. The war that ensued after the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas in Israel on October 7 has resulted in an unprecedented surge in anti-Semitic incidents. The significant number of civilian casualties resulting from Israel's response has further heightened tensions. In France, more than 1,500 anti-Semitic acts and comments have been recorded by the French Ministry of Interior in the month following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war. Recent figures by Anti-Defamation League revealed a 300% rise in Austria.
Nonetheless, the current war in Gaza or any other external event cannot, in any way, provide an excuse to violent attacks that harm any member of European societies. All too often, Jews in Europe, and around the world, are held responsible for political and military developments in Israel, for whose they bear no responsibility whatsoever. A fact that indicates how antisemitism is still persistent in our societies.
Together with journalists and researchers from different European countries, we will try to analyse the roots and the specificities of today’s antisemitism in France, Germany, Italy and Poland. Speakers will include:
- Anna Makówka-Kwapisiewicz, journalist, historian at ENCATE (European Network – Countering Antisemitism through Education
- Benjamin Fischer, German activist
- Brigitte Stora, PhD, journalist and author of "Antisémitisme: un meurtre intime" ("Antisemitism: an intimate murder")
- Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, historian and director of CDEC (Center for Documentation on Contemporary Judaism)
The event will be held in English; simultaneous translation towards French and Italian will be provided.
Please register here: https://framaforms.org/webinar-1803-7pm-830pm-we-have-to-talk-the-threat-of-anti-semitism-in-todays-europe-1709720897
The link to the event will be sent directly be e-mail.
- Address
➽ Online Event
- Organizer
- Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Paris - France
- Language
- English
- French
- Italian
- Polish