
Wednesday, 19. July 2023 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Save in my calendar


What Lessons Can We Extract From EU Raw Materials Partnerships?

Study presentation and expert roundtable on the international aspects of the EU Critical Raw Materials

Europe's huge resource demand and dependence on critical raw materials has been a source of heated debate for years and poses geopolitical challenges for the EU. The European Commission therefore presented its Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) in the spring focusing on access to raw materials.

This online event will examine the international aspects of the CRM act, based on the study "An alternative narrative on raw material access", financed by the Greens/EFA group. Speakers will include:

  • Anna Cavazzini MEP, Shadow rapporteur on the CRMA in the European Parliament trade committee
  • Sophia Pickles, Independent researcher, author of the study "An alternative narrative on raw material access"
  • Rachmi Hertanti, Director of Indonesia for Global Justice

Facilitation: Johanna Sydow, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Berlin

.. and the active engagement of experts in the audience.

In the CRMA, the EU wants to expand and diversify its cooperation with international partners. Up to now, more than 90 percent of EU imports of critical raw materials often come from just one third country - China. By 2030, the EU wants to reduce this share to 65 percent. To achieve this, it wants to expand its network of strategic partnerships with resource-rich countries.

The Commission's new doctrine is to compete for access using the argument of added value that partnering with the EU would bring to resource rich countries. But so far, it is highly unclear how the EU intends to deliver on its promise to bring real benefits and limit the harms of extractivism in third countries.

Are strategic partnerships only a ploy to secure more access and more mining? Is there a way to shape them to bring valuable benefices to partner countries? What tools does the EU have to limit the harms caused by mining, and ensure that primary raw materials that make it to the internal market are sourced responsibly? Are EU free trade agreements threatening policies to extract more added value from mining in the global south?


Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lAIOcr8MQDWIzgJ3o25KRA


Johanna Sydow
E sydow@boell.de


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