WNISR. Creator: Mycle Schneider & Anthony Froggatt. Creative Commons License LogoThis image is licensed under Creative Commons License.

Presentation of a study

Wednesday, 19. February 2020 3:30 pm – 7:00 pm Save in my calendar

Presentation of a study

The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2019

Focus: Nuclear Power and the Climate Change Emergency

- Location changed: Hotel Leopold: Rue du Luxembourg, 35 - 1050 Brussels - 


The WNISR2019 paints a picture of an international nuclear industry with substantial challenges. Remarkably, over the past two years, the largest historic nuclear builder Westinghouse and its French counterpart AREVA went bankrupt. The 323-page report provides the most detailed annual account of the status and outlook of the nuclear power industry based on empirical analysis of its 65-year history. If it is difficult to forecast the future, it is all the more important to understand the past and present in order to be able to design realistic, feasible, affordable strategies for the coming decades.

Mycle Schneider, Convening Lead Author of the WNISR, and Ben Wealer, Contributing Author, will provide an in-depth overview of the findings.

The 2019-Edition contains a new focus on Climate Change and Nuclear Power that reflects in depth about the capacity of the nuclear industry to deliver the magnitude of new power and capacity modeled in several ambitious climate scenarios—whether with new or existing plants—in a cost-effective and timely manner. To protect the climate, we must abate the most carbon at the least cost and in the least time, so we must pay attention to carbon, cost, and time, not to carbon alone. Non-Nuclear options save more carbon per dollar and per year.

Contributing Author and famous energy thinker Amory B. Lovins, Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus of the Rocky Mountain Institute, will present this part of the analysis.

The event will provide ample opportunity to discuss the significance of the findings for the future of nuclear power in the face of fierce competition from renewables and their respective role in climate change policy.



15:30 – 16:00             Registration and Coffee       

16:00 – 16:15             Welcome       

  • Jutta Paulus, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group
  • Eva van de Rakt, Head of Office, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union

16:15 – 17:45             Presentation of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2019              

  • Mycle Schneider, International Consultant, Convening Lead Author of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report
  • Ben Wealer, Research Associate at Berlin Institute of Technology, Guest Researcher the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Contributing Author to WNISR
  • Amory B. Lovins, Cofounder and Chairman Emeritus of the Rocky Mountains Institute (RMI) and Contributing Author to WNISR2019 – via video-link

17:45 – 18:00             Comment 

Aviel Verbruggen, Prof. Emeritus at the University of Antwerp, Contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from 1998-2014

18:00 – 19:00             Open discussion with participants

19:00                          End             


Working language: English

Join us and kindly register before 14 February.



Hotel Leopold: Rue du Luxembourg, 35 - 1050 Brussels


For any questions related to the topic please contact:

Martin Keim

Head of European Energy Transition Programme

E: martin.keim@eu.boell.org

T: +32 (0)2 743 41 13

M +32 (0)4 70 03 16 24




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➽ See event description
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Brussels - European Union
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