Online discussion
- Tuesday, 16. November 2021 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Save in my calendar
Fairer CAP Strategic Plans? A first appraisal of the drafts
Organised with ARC2020 - Agricultural and Rural Convention
Watch the event recording | Visit our web dossier on the CAP Strategic Plans
This online event is organised to discuss about how the EU Member States are advancing their preparations of the CAP Strategic Plans before their final submission to the European Commission. The main focus is on the fairness elements of the draft plans. Fairness is not limited to the monetary and distributional aspects of direct payments (i.e. internal convergence, capping, redistributive payments), but encompasses a broader set of considerations, such as labor, market organisation, and targeting towards environmental needs.
With the CAP legislation post-2022 informally agreed by the EU Council, the European Commission, and EP Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, this online discussion wants to inform civil society and policy makers about the state of play and trajectories of the plans in EU Member States, ahead of the key vote at the EP Plenary Session of 22-25 November 2021.
Are the draft Strategic Plans going towards a fairer CAP, and what does that mean besides money redistribution among recipients? This event will answer to this question by identifying and exposing main critical decisions made in the drafted plans, and detecting good practices across Member States (or proposing new ones). Moreover, it will unpack the unexplored areas still missing in the draft Strategic Plans, like social conditionality, gender, regional interventions, more attractive small farmer schemes, fairer producer organisations.
Key speakers and any actors involved in the preparation of the plans (policy makers, managing authorities, civil society organisation, farmer groups, evaluators) are invited to exchange their knowledge and views on how the draft plans are meeting the ambitions in terms of fairer agri-food and rural areas within the flexibility and subsidiarity offered by the CAP reform.
Introduction by Matteo Metta, ARC2020
The new CAP legal framework, by Herbert Dorfmann, Member of the European Parliament, Group of the European People's Party
Input on fairness among beneficiaries, in farming systems and in food systems, by:
- Aurélie Catallo, Pour une Autre PAC (France)
- John Brennan, Talamh Beo (Ireland)
- Udo Hemmerling, Deutscher Bauernverband (DBV) - Farmers' Association, Germany
Q&A with the audience
Moderated by Lisa Tostado, Head of Programme - International Climate, Trade and Agricultural Policy, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union
For any questions, please contact Melanie Bernhofer.
Note: The technical requirements for participating in the event are a computer, tablet or smartphone with a speaker. Online events will be held using the Zoom software, which will provide a link for participating. The event will be recorded and published on our YouTube channel. On first using Zoom, this access link will initiate the download of the client software ("Zoom-launcher.exe"). This software must be executed or installed (recommended) on your computer. If you prefer not to download it, please click on the link "join via browser". Note: This option is only available for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Please join the event a few minutes before its start time. After registering for an event, our privacy policy applies. The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung is not liable for the Zoom software. The Zoom privacy policy is available here.
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