Visual for Green Sofa 12. Creator: Kleidi Eski. All rights reserved.

Mbrëmje diskutimi

E mërkurë, 12. February 2025 6:00 md – 9:00 md Save in my calendar

Mbrëmje diskutimi

Green Sofa 12: Snapshots of the Mediterranean: From Anthropological Roots to Cultural Expressions

In this upcoming Green Sofa, curator Elian Stefa and anthropologist Nebi Bardhoshi investigate common social traits, mythologies and emblematic symbols across the wider Mediterranean heritage. 

The discussion, moderated by Ervin Qafmolla, will dive into the mystique of shared identity from this great expanse of culture, religions and civilisations - unfolding from and uniting the Middle East, North Africa, Iberian Peninsula and the Western Balkans.


About the Speakers

Prof. Dr. Nebi Bardhoshi is a senior researcher in socio-cultural anthropology, with a focus on legal and political anthropology, the anthropology of nature, and the history of anthropological thought. He has authored several books and numerous academic articles on the Balkans and the Mediterranean region.

Elian Stefa is an architect and curator based between Lisbon and Tirana. He is the director of Galeria e Bregdetit and a PhD researcher at Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon. His work includes Concrete Mushrooms, a project that reimagines Albania's abandoned bunkers as cultural landmarks.

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