Creator: Zrudisin/Paul Poast. All rights reserved.

Online event

Wednesday, 16. October 2024 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Save in my calendar

Online event

America votes: USA on the world stage

The US elections on November 5 will have far-reaching national and global repercussions. It could upend longstanding alliances, or open up new opportunities for international collaboration on the biggest challenges of our time: From climate change and lack of food security to regional conflicts, nonproliferation, and the rapid advance of new technologies.

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, in some ways, seems ready to break with President Joe Biden on certain questions of foreign policy – but she will likely maintain other policies, including unwavering support for Ukraine. Donald Trump has doubled down on taking American foreign policy in a different direction by calling into question U.S. adherence to NATO’s Article 5 and rhetorically cozying up to dictators, such as Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin. 

What can we expect from a new Democratic president, and where would Harris change American foreign policy from Biden? How much of Donald Trump’s foreign policy will build on his first term and where can we anticipate more significant departures? And how do both candidates look at transatlantic relations with Europe?

Prof. Paul Poast, an expert and scholar on international relations, will provide analysis and insight into the likely directions for U.S. foreign policy and what the two candidates stand for.

The discussion will be moderated by Teresa Eder, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Washington, DC.

Prof. Paul Poast (he/him) is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science and Committee on International Relations at the University of Chicago. He is also a nonresident fellow at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, a foreign affairs columnist for World Politics Review, and a research affiliate of the Pearson Institute for the Study of Global Conflicts. At the University of Chicago, Paul serves as Deputy Dean of Doctoral Education for the Social Science Division. He is also Director of the Summer Institute for Social Research Methods and chair of the Board of the University of Chicago Library.

After an interview with Prof. Poast, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the Q&A session.

Road to Election and Beyond

This event is part of the Aspen Institute’s Road to Election Night series. 

You can find current information about the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s upcoming events and articles on the US election in our dossier.

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Deitra Myers, Division European Union and North America,

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Heinrich Böll Foundation - Headquarters Berlin
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