Feminist MagiX. Creator: Hanako Emden und Sophie Florian. All rights reserved.

Saturday, 31. October 2020 – Saturday, 19. December 2020 Save in my calendar

Feminist MagiX

Decolonial Inlets A trans-discursive event series

The trans-discursive event-series "Feminist MagiX. Decolonial Inlets" accompanies the exhibition "Disturbance: witch" curated by Alba D’Urbano and Olga Vostretsova at the Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst (ZAK) in the Zitadelle Spandau Berlin.

Starting out from the motif of the witch, which is the subject of artistic negotiation in the exhibition, the series of events explores queer-feminist politics and practices of enchantment, which are currently virulent in the context of popular cultural and and feuilletonist discourses. In the context of these discourses, references to syncretistic forms of religiosity and spirituality that are connected to decolonial epistemologies of healing are condensed.

In addition, references to mythologies and poetologies of the supernatural can be recognized in the context of indigenous struggles against extractivist colonial capitalist regimes. Ritual practices and magic are important points of reference for decolonial approaches to critically question Western knowledge regimes and exercise epistemic disobedience. The speculative and fabulative is also central within Afrofuturism. New concepts and forms of the political come to the fore: Music, dance and performance form decisive bridges to shape the world and determine politics. It is about nothing less than the reestablishment of the world with the means of art and culture.


31.10. // 4-6.30 //  Online bug report: tuning to trans*feminist Xystem.crash

Series of bug reports by edna bonhomme, Mario Guzman, Femke Snelting, and Pinar Tuzcu; curated by MELT (Loren Britton & Isabel Paehr)


postponed// @ZAK & Online eXorcizing colonialism. to imagine a sea not bleeding: spilling injury & coalitions of the erotic 

Workshop Loving the Black body by edna bonhomme (@ZAK, prior for BPOC)
Contribution by Navild Acosta and Kemoy Jemmott (tbc); curated by Anguezomo Mba Bikoro


28.11. // 3-6 // Online cacophonic cliniX

Performative study session by Jota Mombaça; curated by Juana Awad

12.12. // 11-2.30 // @ District Berlin shaman poetiX. spiritual activism, pleasure activism, perreo and decolonial strategies

Yoggaton workshop & Q&A with Maque Pereyra; curated by Verena Melgarejo Weinandt


19.12. // 7  // Online afrofuture musiX

Anti-Lecture with Jamika Ajalon

Please register for every single event by writing an email to feministmagiX@hgb-leipzig.de.

Due to COVID restrictions the event will be held on- and less offline. All registered participants will receive a link to the online tool before the event.

Contact: Katrin Köppert, koeppert@hgb-leipzig.de

➽ See event description