Cover picture here at last. Dejan Dragosavac Ruta. Creator: Dejan Dragosavac Ruta. Creative Commons License LogoThis image is licensed under Creative Commons License.

Book presentation and discussion

Monday, 18. March 2024 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Save in my calendar

Book presentation and discussion

„Here, at last. Pathways of Green Politics in the Western Balkans“

Until a few years ago, “Greens in the Western Balkans” could hardly be found as a political formation, but was more of a civil society movement. The frequent question to us as a green political foundation 'Who is your local party' came to nothing. For a long time, our partners were human rights activists, environmentalists, and political analysts without a political mandate. As Vedran Horvat explains, the societies of the Western Balkans were long considered too poor for environmental issues to be of importance. This was even truer for green political approaches in the broader sense, which focus on feminist, socially just, and economic alternatives and values. Dismissed as luxury problems, green ideas did not resonate politically. The situation has changed fundamentally over the past five years. The first political representatives take on responsibility as Green mayors, city councillors and members of local and national parliaments.

The author himself is part of green politics in the Balkans. As a networker, agenda setter and analyst, he undertakes a personal journey through the last two decades and asks about the occurrence and potential of green politics under extremely adverse conditions.The political realm in the Western Balkans is still characterized by authoritarian, often corrupt structures in politics, media, and business, a situation that is often summarized with the term “state capture.” A recent example of this is the manipulated elections at the national and local levels in Serbia, that were unworthy of an EU candidate country. At the end of March, the European Council decides whether to start accession negotiations for Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the ever-reducing minimum requirements in accordance with the enlargement acquis have not been implemented for years. Geographically surrounded by the European Union, none of the six Western Balkan countries has yet fulfilled the accession perspective announced in 2003.

Together with the author and the acteurs, we want to discuss the following topics:

How future-proof is green politics in the region, can current green political actors become change-makers? Are they approachable as political representatives for their citizens? What are the political strategies and priorities of the Zeleno-Levi Front as a relevant Serbian opposition party? What are the most urgent political concerns of civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina and what mobilization potential do environmental issues have in a Bosnian society that is weary of politics?


  • Vedran Horvat, author, environmental activist, researcher
  • Radomir Lazović, MP and Co-Chair ZLF(Green-Left Front party), Belgrade, Serbia
  • Boris Mijatovic, MP, Alliance 90/The Greens, Berlin
  • Alma Midžić, environmentalist, researcher, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Moderation: Katja Giebel, Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin

The event will be held in English without translation.

Katja Giebel
East and South East Europe division
Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin
T +49(0)30 285 34 388

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