Creator: © Friedrich Moser Film GmbH. All rights reserved.

Film presentation and talk

Tuesday, 18. February 2025 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm Save in my calendar

Film presentation and talk

How to build a truth engine

Film screening and discussion on disinformation and counter strategies

Friedrich Moser's documentary work has focused on the World Wide Web for many years. What once seemed to connect us all has now developed into a diffuse space in which doubts and wedges are increasingly being driven into societies. The last few weeks and months in Silicon Valley have also shown the political influence of tech billionaires.

The documentary 'How to Build a Truth Engine', co-produced by George Clooney, deals with the dangers of disinformation, the need for a new form of journalism and the urgency with which democratic societies must find a way to work together both on and off the internet. 

The subsequent discussion will focus on counter strategies: We will focus in particular on the regulation of big tech companies such as Meta, X or TikTok. What can legislation like the European Digital Services Act (DSA) do to combat the spread of disinformation? Why is the DSA under so much pressure from the US government, and what is needed to enforce the DSA?


  • Friedrich Moser, documentary filmmaker, ‘How to Build a Truth Engine’
  • Dr. Clara Iglesias Keller, legal scholar at Berlin Social Science Center 
  • Moderator: Jan Philipp Albrecht, President of Heinrich Böll Foundation

Friedrich Moser lives and works in Vienna. His special interest as a documentary film producer, director and distributor lies in the interface between technology, science, politics and society. His films are created in collaboration with partners in Europe and the USA.

Dr. Clara Iglesias Keller is a legal scholar specialized in digital technologies and media regulation. She is the leader of the research group "Technology, Power and Domination" at the Weizenbaum Institute.


17:30   Arrival and snacks
17:55   Greetings
18:00   Film screening
20:00   Break
20:10   Discussion
21:00   End

Trailer >>

Documentary: OmdU
Discussion: English with interpretation (German)

The film screening takes place in cooperation with Friedrich Moser Film GmbH and The

Participation fee:
Admission is free. The number of seats is limited. Please register via the registration button. 

Franziska Busse
Digital Policy Officer Heinrich Böll Foundation

» Participation on site
at the the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Conference Center, Schumannstr. 8, 10117 Berlin

Please register in advance. Unfortunately, the number of seats for this event are limited. If we are at capacity, the conversation will be transmitted via video to other rooms.

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Headquarter Berlin
Schumannstr. 8
10117 Berlin
Heinrich Böll Foundation - Headquarters Berlin
In the original with subtitles
Simultaneous translation