Creator: Koka Kitiashvili, hbs tbilisi Office. All rights reserved.

Online event

Monday, 30. September 2024 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Save in my calendar

Online event

Masculinities in the South Caucasus: Forms, Hierarchies, and Challenges

Book Presentation

On September 30th at 5:00 pm CET (7:00 pm South Caucasus time) the Heinrich Boell Foundation South Caucasus Office is inviting you to the online launch of our most recent publication

Masculinities in the South Caucasus: Forms, Hierarchies, and Challenges

What makes a man a man? Is it his face, his body, or his clothes? His profession or hobbies? His (lack of) emotional self-expression – do boys cry? Is it the way he cares for others, or for nature? His position in society? The values he embodies? And what does this all mean for men, other members of society, and society as a whole?

These questions were at the root of our inquiry when we started this book project on masculinities in the South Caucasus, seeking to contribute to the emerging field of masculinity studies.

In their original contributions, sixteen authors from/based in the South Caucasus discuss masculinities constructed through diverse interplays and configurations of historical, cultural, social, political, and economic contexts and in relation to diverse social phenomena, including, but not limited to, clothing, fatherhood, sports, the military, criminal practices, and sexual identity. The book follows an interdisciplinary, multi-format approach, containing academic articles, autobiographical stories, oral histories, and illustrations.

Editors and authors from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia will present the publication.

Our speakers are: 

  • Sonja Schiffers, Director of the Heinrich Boell Foundation Tbilisi Office – South Caucasus Region
  • David Gabunia, Editor-in-Chief, writer, translator, and literary scholar
  • Henri Myrttinen, Editor, independent consultant and researcher on masculinities
  • Salome Kobalava, Researcher of nature-society relations, gender, and more than human sociality
  • Sevinj Samadzade, PhD researcher, Ghent University
  • Gevorg Ter-Gabrielyan, Writer, Eurasia Partnership Foundation

Moderator: Tata Burduli, Programme Coordinator of the Heinrich Boell Foundation Tbilisi Office – South Caucasus Region

To join the event, please register here

The language of the event is English.

In cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Foundation Berlin

Tbilisi, Baku, Yerevan
➽ See event description
Heinrich Böll Foundation - Headquarters Berlin