Creator: Gideon Mendel. All rights reserved.

Thursday, 30. June 2022 11:15 am – 12:45 pm Save in my calendar

New Social Contract

Transforming Finance for Loss and Damage


  • Minister Màiri McAllan, Scottish Government
  • Avinash Persaud, Advisor to Prime Minister Mottley of Barbados
  • Eric Njuguna, Kenyan Climate Activist
  • Liane Schalatek, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Washington, DC
  • Moderator: Harjeet Singh, CAN International

Globally it is the poorest, those with negligible carbon footprints and who can least afford it, who are bearing the bulk of the climate induced losses and damages. This amounts to gross climate injustice and undermines the fundamental rights of the poorest and weakest populations on the planet. This came to the fore at COP26 in Glasgow last year hosted by the UK Government. The G77 and China negotiating group, representing 85 percent of the world’s population, proposed that a Glasgow Loss and Damage Finance Facility be set up as a mechanism to respond to this inequality.

This session will explore what an equitable and just outcome from COP27 in Egypt needs to deliver on the finance gap in addressing loss and damage, reflecting on where we are now after the June Bonn Climate Conference. How might those who are historically responsible for the climate crisis contribute their fair share to help communities recover from devastating storms, floods and rising seas? We will explore what a more equal climate system might look like, and we will discuss the proposal of a Loss and Damage Facility and explore some innovative ideas to raise resources.

We need a new negotiating impetus to put loss and damage on the agenda at COP27, to drive action on finance such that it ensures vulnerable developing countries not only survive but are supported to thrive.

A link to the event will be emailed to all attendees ahead of the event.

➽ See event description