- Tuesday, 15. December 2020 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Save in my calendar
No Limits to Growth?
A Societal Transformation Scenario to limit global warming to 1.5°C
Five years after the Paris Agreement, emissions still haven‘t peaked, let alone declined at rates urgently needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Mitigation plans and pledges increasingly bet on high-risk technologies such as CCS, geoengineering and nuclear energy, as well as „overshooting“ the 1.5°C limit.
However, available mitigation scenarios do not reflect the full range of possible future trajectories. For instance, virtually all of them continue to rely on global economic growth until the end of the century. That makes it increasingly difficult to achieve ambitious mitigation goals like staying below 1.5°C.
This online event will explore the mitigation benefits of envisioning a deeper transformation of our economies and societies, one that goes beyond technological change.
We will open the event by presenting the results of the „Societal Transfomation Scenario“, a new global mitigation scenario (launch on 9 December, 2020), which challenges not only the notion of perpetual global economic growth but also its compatibility with ambitious climate goals. It shows how through a reduction of production and consumption in the Global North, we can stay below 1.5°C without resorting to high-risk technologies while avoiding temperature overshoot.
What if we push for limits to production and consumption, in particular in wealthy countries of the Global North? To what extent are pathways of deeper transformation reflected in current work of the IPCC? What can we expect from the upcoming Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)?
With this online event, we aim to open up the discussion around alternative pathways and future trajectories that are currently not considered in mainstream mitigation scenarios.
- Kai Kuhnhenn, Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie, Germany
- Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Central European University Budapest and IPCC Working Group III Vice Chair
Facilitation: Linda Schneider, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Senior Programme Officer International Climate Policy
Kristin Funke
Heinrich Böll Foundation
International Environmental Policy Division
E funke@boell.de
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