Online event
- Thursday, 21. October 2021 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Save in my calendar
Official launch of the "Moving Cities" website
Cities and municipalities all over Europe show that another migration policy is not only possible, but that it is already happening.
We are happy to announce that our online platform will finally launch on 21 October 2021: a mapping that provides in-depth research about 28 progressive solidarity cities and their strategies to welcome migrants and refugees in ten European countries.
What Is the Goal of “Moving Cities”?
Cities and municipalities all over Europe show that another migration policy is not only possible, but that it is already happening. While national and EU-led policy reforms have been in a deadlock for years, more than 600 municipalities from Poland to Portugal are supporting a solidarity-based migration policy and dozens of cities are walking the walk with innovative local solutions.
By researching, highlighting, and connecting these municipal pioneers, their networks and the most successful local approaches, “Moving Cities” contributes to a mutual learning process that facilitates synergies between municipalities all over Europe. Our aim is to improve the capacity of individual municipalities to act locally as well as to amplify the voices of cities and city-networks as political actors in the European debate on migration.
How Do We Want to Achieve This?
The site is intended as a tool for municipalities and civil society organizations seeking inspiration and strategies to change their local migration policies. Until now, an extensive and easily accessible mapping—focusing on strategies and key factors for municipalities and civil society—has been missing. “Moving Cities” therefore provides:
1. An overview of already active cities and networks all over Europe
2. In-depth research about 28 progressive cities and their strategies in ten European countries
3. More than 45 inspiring local approaches in various policy areas: social rights and inclusion, arrival and residence security, political participation, intercultural inclusion and anti-racism, collaboration with civil society initiatives, networking and advocacy work
4. Seven different language versions: English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Spanish
Who Is behind “Moving Cities”?
The idea of the project was born in 2019 through a European networking process within the Palermo Charter Platform, involving about 20 initiatives. Responsible for its implementation are Seebrücke, a civil society movement, the Rosa Luxemburg and Heinrich Böll Foundations, as well as Tesserae, a platform for urban social research. The project is co-funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung and Stiftungsfonds Zivile Seenotrettung.
Website launch and launch event, with workshops and panels: 21 October 2021, 10:00 CET, online
Details and registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_64YqBYaPQkWvLWdDHLVSHg
Check out the website beginning on 21 October: www.moving-cities.eu
Neda Noraie-Kia
Head of Migration Policy Europe
Heinrich Boell Foundation, Thessaloniki
E-Mail: neda.noraie-kia@gr.boell.org
Dr. Christine Pütz
Senior Policy Advisor European Union
Heinrich Boell Foundation, Berlin
E-Mail puetz@boell.de
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- Dates
- Thu, 21. Oct 2021 (Europe/Berlin) 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Save in my calendar
- Timezone
- CEST (Berlin)
- Address
➽ See event description
- Language
- German
- English
- Greek