Online discussion
- Friday, 29. September 2023 9:30 am – 10:45 am Save in my calendar
Elections and democracy in Southeast Asia
Analysis and policy-options
This past summer has shown that so-called “authoritarian elections” have become more prominent, including in long-standing partner countries of Germany and the European Union in Southeast Asia: After a landslide victory of the progressive Move Forward Party in Thailand’s June 2023 elections, the establishment managed through legal loopholes and the non-elected senate to block their attempts to form a government. The July 2023 elections in Cambodia were neither free nor fair and have enabled long-standing prime minister Hun Sen to hand over power to his son without any opposition. Even the military junta in Myanmar, having dissolved the strongest opposition party, is planning to hold elections in 2025, while continuing to wage war against their own people.
On a basis of a comparative study of authoritarian elections in Southeast Asia published by Heinrich Böll Foundation, we want to analyse this specific form of democratic backsliding and ask about policy options to support democracy in contexts where the democratic core – the electoral process – continues to be eroded.
- Michael Lidauer, political analyst and election observer
- Akarachai Chaimaneekarakate, Advocacy Lead at Thai Lawyers for Human Rights
- Lea Goelnitz, Office Director, Regional Office for SEA, Heinrich Böll Foundation
The event takes place online.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Mia Kruska, Project Officer Asia Division
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