Online seminar

Thursday, 25. November 2021 – Saturday, 27. November 2021 Save in my calendar

Online seminar

Understanding and tackling the climate crisis as a matter of justice

An online seminar for German and Polish civil-society actors

online Seminar

The climate crisis is affecting everyone - but not equally. Those who globally suffer most are the least likely to contribute to it - and often do not get to decide on measures and strategies against the crisis.

In Poland and Germany, like in other countries of the Global North, the challenges of the current climate crisis lead to demarcation and a desire to defend privileges. This encourages the growth of racist attitudes and social divisions – a challenge for civil society actors who strive for climate justice in Poland as well as in Germany.

In this seminar participants are going to get deeper insight into the historical and current connection between the climate crisis and racism. They will get the opportunity to learn - and to unlearn – different perspectives on climate justice and exchange experiences and advice for their own work or engagement.

We invite civil society representatives, activists and multipliers, engaged in the field of climate crisis and/or social justice, who wish to reflect more on the topic of climate crisis and racism in a Polish-German group.

What are the goals of the seminar?

  • Deepen a critical reflection on climate crisis, climate justice, racism and anti-racism – both on the societal, organisational and personal level
  • Gain understanding of different dimensions of racism in the climate crisis narrative and develop approaches to work further with these topics in everyday work
  • Exchange experiences with the topic in Polish and German context

Please register: here  


THURSDAY, 25.11.2021; 16.00-19.30H

  • Welcome session & getting to know each other
  • Opening up the topic of Climate Justice – experiences, relations and expectations


  • Lecture "Gesturing towards decolonial futures"


FRIDAY, 26.11.2021; 16.00–20.30H (INCL. BREAK)

  • Workshop with speakers & facilitators from Black Earth Collective: Samie Blasingame & Nene Opoku:

We will explore the history of environmental racism focusing on specific examples of its roots & manifestations, & discuss how this it underpins the struggles for climate & environmental justice around the world. Through a critical lens, we will be asked to commit to unlearning worldviews that have enabled oppressions in all its forms, & imagine new possibilities for an equitable and resilient future.


SATURDAY, 27.11.2021; 10-15.30H (INCL. LUNCHBREAK)

  • Reflection of the lecture & workshop & relating to the context of climate struggles in Poland and Germany: What is similar, what is different, what can we learn from each other?
  • Exchange on the role of civil-society actors in tackling the climate crisis as a matter of justice in Poland & Germany: What are experiences, challenges and strategies?
  • Collegial advice session to transfer findings of the seminar to the particular work & engagement of the participants.



Vanessa Andreotti - Full Professor in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of British Columbia and a Canada Research Chair in Race, Inequalities and Global Change.

Barbara Bernsmeier - cultural and project manager with a focus on Russia and the Eastern Partnership

Samie Blasingame & Nene Opoku- Black Earth is an environmental and climate justice collective with a focus on decolonial perspectives.

Anna Dańkowska – trainer, researcher and project coordinator in the field of transformative & global education

Magdalena Klarenbach - researcher and educational expert from Open Plan Foundation - Polish ngo that specialise in ecological and climate education.

If you have any questions please contact: Magdalena Klarenbach: and Barbara Bernsmeier:



Thu, 25. Nov 2021 (Europe/Berlin) 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm Save in my calendar
Fri, 26. Nov 2021 (Europe/Berlin) 4:00 pm – 8:30 pm Save in my calendar
Sat, 27. Nov 2021 (Europe/Berlin) 10:00 am – 3:30 pm Save in my calendar
➽ Online Event