Creator: Oyoun. All rights reserved.


Wednesday, 18. May 2022 – Sunday, 22. May 2022 Save in my calendar


UN:IMAGINABLE - Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda

Our histories in conversation

_a musical documentary performance on the soundtracks of war_

UN:IMAGINABLE is an incomparable theater production that emerged from the lived reality of trauma, war, segregation and exile. Ethnopolitical conflicts shook the Balkans and Rwanda in the 1990s. To this day, their traces are deeply woven into their societies, their testimonies and stories continue to have an impact. Genocide and war are over, but ethnic tensions persist in all countries. Bosnia, the forever divided country? Rwanda, the land of exemplary reconciliation? Germany, the land of peaceful coexistence?

"In a monochrome universe holding the promises of an uncertainty,
The future is upon us
like an unwritten book
To one thing we must all look
What is it that can change now.”
Hope Azeda

The multinational, documentary music theater is based on personal experiences and the quest for healing and peace in a broken world. Through the collaboration of artists from the fields of music, dance, theater and literature and through the exchange of personal experiences, stories are told that are deeply human.


Entire program

Wednesday, May 18th – World premiere

18:00 h: reception (cafe)
19:15 h: Presentation and introduction with ShaNon Bobinger & Melina Borcak (Hall)
19:30 p.m.: Performance + subsequent exchange

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Thursday, May 19 – performance

19:00 p.m.: Doors open
19:30 p.m.: Performance (Hall)

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Friday, May 20th – Quo Vadis, Aida?

19:00 h: Screening and Q&A (Club)

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Saturday, May 21 - Post-War Healing

15:00 h: Panel discussion on the ways in which art serves as a form of healing and trauma reflection: on the urgency and politics of remembering with Ariana Žustra, Emilia Roig, Evein Obulor, Jasmina Musić (garden/cafe)

16:00 p.m. – 19:00 p.m.: Kids' Party with DJ (TBC) (Club)

21:00 p.m. – 03:00 a.m.: Afro-Balkan, Queer Electro Party feat. Robert Soko et al (club)

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Sunday May 22 – Queer Sounds & Taste of Post-Heimat

10:00 a.m. – 15:00 p.m.: Afro-Slavic Brunch with DJ Set Zen Jefferson (Garden/Café)

14:00 p.m.: Collective Healing Session with Hope Azeda (R3)

15:00 p.m.: Panel discussion “What about us? Germany's selective welcome culture with Ouassima Laabich, Nina Aleric, ShaNon Bobinger and Tete Loeper (garden/cafe)

16:00 p.m.: Out of Time Embassy – Jam Session/ Sonic Intervention feat. KATHARINHA (garden/ café)

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19:00 p.m.: door opening (hall)
19:30 p.m.: Performance – UN:IMAGINABLE (Hall)

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UN:IMAGINABLE is produced by Oyoun Berlin, Mashirika Performing Arts and Media Company Rwanda and Sarajevo War Theater Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Supported in the fund TURN2 the Federal Cultural Foundation and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media  Heinrich Böll Foundation.



Concept, Direction, Text: Hope Azeda
Concept, composition: Constantine Dupelius
Concept, composition, text: Nedim Zlatar
Lyrics: Benjamin Bajramovic, Tete Loeper
costumes: Justine Loddenkemper
Dramaturgy & script: Emina Omerovic

Performance: Benjamin Bajramović, Snežana Bogićević, Konstantin Dupelius, Peace Jolis, Moise Mutangana, Jihadi Niyonkuru, Leonardo Šarić, Donia Sbika, Adolatha Uwineza, Nedim Zlatar

Workshops, Digital Library: Yves Mdagano, Francois Byemba, Marc Ngabo, Arthur Kisitu, Landry Nguetsa, and Yannick Ndoli: 

Production management: Ihisa Theresa Adelio
Production Assistance: Innocent Munyeshuri
Fundraising: Nina Martin, Sophia Schmidt 
Curation: Louna Sbou


OYOUN Kultur NeuDenken
Lucy-Lameck-Str. 32
12049 Berlin

Tel +49(30) 68050860

Close to U-8 Hermannplatz

Further program and ticket presale 

prices: 10 - 15 €


Louna Sbou,,

Ihisa Theresa Adelio,

Sophia Schmidt,

➽ See event description
External Event