Online event

Tuesday, 14. May 2024 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Save in my calendar

Online event

What do we owe the future? Episode II

European instruments for future investments

The European Green Deal is under pressure and a financial push is desperately needed to preserve a chance of meeting the EU’s climate targets. Meanwhile, national budgets remain tight, especially in Germany with an ongoing debt debate. Thus, both European and fiscal politics are challenged to step up to match our actions to the scope of the double economic and climate challenge.

In the first episode of "What do we owe the future?", we delved into the current German debate on reforming the debt brake (check it out here). Bottom line: Time‘s up, we need a reform of German fiscal politics that rises to the challenge of climate emergency.

We also learned: There is no way around some kind of fiscal capacity at EU level that invests in climate protection and economic resilience.

So, in our second episode of this lunch talk series, we invite you to a discussion on the EU’s role in the investment bottleneck. What could strong European fiscal instruments look like? What is the future of the Next Generation EU programme? And how do we marry social, economic and climate perspectives in a European investment push?

Together with three experts, our president Jan Philipp Albrecht will discuss different ideas and instruments as well as their role for the German and European economic outlook.


  • Carolin Schenuit, Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft
  • Philipp Heimberger, Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche
  • Tim Sahay, Net Zero Industrial Policy Lab, Johns Hopkins University


  • Jan Philipp Albrecht, Co-President of Heinrich Böll Foundation

The discussion also builds on a recent policy paper focussing on the reform of European finances (read more here).

Challenges and ideas for the sustainable transformation are also the focus of the new “Wirtschaftsatlas” (economic atlas) by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. The atlas is published in German.


Phillip Käding


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