- Sonntag, 30. April 2017 18.00 In meinem Kalender speichern
European Youth Conference
Call for applications. Deadline: 30.04.2017
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
In the name of our consortium of partners I cordially invite you to engage in this year’s European Youth Conference. In a year full of elections and decisions that may strongly impact on the future shape and direction of European integration, we aim, together with you, to elaborate on the question “Regain or Retreat? European Youth in an Age of Uncertainty”. The event will take place in Gdańsk on July 24 - 26 2017 and is organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw in cooperation with the European Solidarity Centre (Gdańsk) and the Green European Foundation (Brussels).
The three-day Conference in Gdańsk, to be opened by European Green Party co-chair Reinhard Bütikofer, will address issues including globalization and European and nationalist answers to it. We will explore the current challenges to open societies and inclusive democracies, and how people risk being divided along lines of integration and identity. As well as this, the programme will include practical workshops and ample space for networking. For more detailed information, please refer to the concept note of the conference. You will also find attached the general framework of the programme, which we seek to further specify based on your contributions.
Let us discuss important points of reference and processes that are shaping the worldview of engaged young Europeans, who on an everyday basis are searching for ways to make a socially responsible, just and sustainable Europe happen, and also focus on the causes of and reactions to growing feelings of uncertainty, injustice and fear in EU member states.
Costs for accommodation and board will be covered by the organizers and travel costs reimbursed.
Please send us a short CV stating your fields of interests. Please also let us know about your motivation and ideas concerning a personal contribution to the conference, as well as related experiences concerning visions of the future of European societies (on 1 page). Since the conference aims to engage and connect young people, we have to ask about your age (the main target group is young people aged 18-35). As a foundation strongly committed to equal opportunities and gender equality, we will aim as much as possible to bring together individuals of various backgrounds and origins from many European countries. Please send this information to our coordinator Gert Röhrborn at eyc2017@pl.boell.org no later than 30 April 2017.
Yours sincerely,
Irene Hahn-Fuhr, Director of the Warsaw office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation
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- Veranstalter*in
- Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Warschau - Polen