- Freitag, 22. Oktober 2021 20.00 – 22.00 Uhr In meinem Kalender speichern
Playback Performance “Let the Dream be Your Wings”
Kulturwochen Syrien
A playback performance with the participants of the afternoon workshop and the Playback Theatre group “Faces of Change”. Together with Hani Al Rstoum and Shadi Alaiek they will sail together in the world of stories. The team of the performers will be a mixed team from Germany, Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan. Enjoy personal, emotional, but also fun stories told in Arabic, English and German.
Hani Al Rstoum and Shadi Alaiek are Syrian Artists and Cultural Activists now resident in Belgium. They have been practicing and applying different form of Arts on the social field in Lebanon and Iraq. Shadi is a professional Clown and a Woodcut Printing specialist, with three years of experience in Playback Theatre. Hani is a psychotherapist and a theatre maker, with seven years of experience in Playback Theatre. Hani and Shadi collaborated in many projects for children and adults in Lebanon and in Iraq. They are both mega excited to explore new possibilities in working with refugees and local communities using different forms of arts in Europe and the world.
“Faces of Change” is a Playback Theatre Group of ZEIK based in Kiel. The group works according tothe method of PlaybackTheatre, in which the audience plays an important role: Playback Theatre is a special form of improvised theatre in which the actors spontaneously perform personal stories of the audience. Moving images, scenes and music are “played back” to the narrator - this is where the name Playback Theatre originates. This can open up different perspectives for those present, they get to know each other better and have the opportunity to hear personal stories firsthand and experience them through the presentation on the stage.
Location: Hansa 48, Hansastraße 48, 24118 Kiel
Sign-up: info@hansa48.de
- Adresse
▶ Siehe Veranstaltungsbeschreibung
- Veranstalter*in
- Landesstiftung Schleswig-Holstein
- Sprache
- Arabisch
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Teilnahmegebühren
- 5€/3€ discount