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Montag, 19. November 2018 19.00 – 21.00 Uhr In meinem Kalender speichern


Revolution, Prison and Solidarity: The case of Amal Fathy

The fate of revolutionary Egyptians

The Egyptian revolution of 2011 marks an important date that created new possibilities for Egyptians. During the 18 day long occupation of the now famous Tahrir square, Egyptians practiced their own imaginary of citizenship, after years of suppression and social divisions, to be inclusive to men and women, Christian and Muslim, poor and rich without discrimination.

Eight years later with the return of the military to power, the regime of Abdel Fattah Al-Sisis has not only repressed  all critical voices, leading to the detention of thousands of prisoners. He also undermined the inclusive spirit the protests once had.

Though Amal Fathy distanced herself from politics since the 2013 coup, she was detained in May 2018 after she spoke up on social media against sexual harassment in the Egyptian society.

November 19th itself is a very important date in the Egyptian revolutionary calendar: On that day the Egyptian women activists begun to experience sexual harassment and even rape as a counterrevolutionary tool. This tool was used to terrorize the women since the infamous Mohamed Mahmoud (2nd) sit-in on November 19th 2012.

On the seventh anniversary of the Mohamed Mahmoud street battles, The Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedom (ECRF) would like to debate with our guests the fate of the revolutionary activists, their struggles and the problematic international solidarity with cases just like Amal Fathy.

This event will be held in English. No translation to German will be provided.


  • Aya Hegazy (Egyptian-American social activist and former political prisoner, USA)
  • Dina Wahba (Egyptian women rights activist, Germany)
  • Hussein Bayumi (Egyptian researcher, Amnesty International, Tunisia)
  • Mohamed Soltan (Egyptian-American Human rights advocate and former political prisoner, USA)

Ahmed Said (Egyptian political activist and coordinator ECRF in Germany, Germany)

Eine Kooperation der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung mit der Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedom (ECRF)

Niko Pewesin, Ägypten Referent, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung,
E-Mail, pewesin@boell.de

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Bundesstiftung Berlin
Schumannstr. 8
10117 Berlin
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Bundesstiftung Berlin