- Mittwoch, 10. März 2021 16.00 – 17.30 Uhr In meinem Kalender speichern
Ukraine: Human Security at Times of Crises
Covid-19 and the consequences of related containment measures in Ukraine only highlighted long-rooted political, economic, and health care challenges which existed for years, not to mention the ongoing war in the East. The introduction of the lockdown revealed systemic and institutional vulnerabilities, narrowed the community circle, as well as undermined the confidence in tomorrow of citizens across Ukraine.
The Heinrich Boell Stiftung’s recent study “Human security: assessment and expectations of the residents of the four oblasts of Ukraine (Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhya, and Kherson regions)" shows that citizens perceive ‘security’ as full functioning and adequate management of various spheres of society, which ultimately forms a sense of comfort and security. However, the closer to the frontline, the more acute these questions appear and the more challenging it becomes to achieve the so much expected security. The proximity to the war zone in parts of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, as well as active Russian disinformation, remain a particular security challenge for larger parts of Eastern and Southern Ukraine.
The expert discussion will explore a comprehensive understanding of stabilization and security policy for Ukraine and its Eastern and South Eastern parts in particular. Four experienced analysts will present the main findings and recommendations of the study and discuss strategies to improve security even under the current multiple crises conditions.
The online expert discussion will start at 4 pm (Berlin) = 5 pm (Kyiv)
- Yevhen Hlibovytsky, expert company pro.mova
- Oksana Mikheieva, Lviv Catholic University, European University of Viadrina
- Yevhen Vilinsky, until Summer 2019 Deputy Gouvernor of Donetsk Oblast
- Susan Stewart, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin
- Jean P. Froehly, Federal Foreign Office, Special Envoy for Ukraine and head of the Ukraine Task Force, Berlin
Moderator: Sergej Sumlenny, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Kyiv
Study: Human Security: Assessment and Expectations of the residents of four oblasts of Ukraine
Robert Sperfeld, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin, sperfeld(a)boell.de
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- Adresse
▶ Siehe Veranstaltungsbeschreibung
- Veranstalter*in
- Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Bundesstiftung Berlin
- Sprache
- Englisch