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Book presentation and discussion

Wednesday, 02. April 2025 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Save in my calendar

Book presentation and discussion

The Care Economy

Rethinking Prosperity, health and work

Care is the basis of human life. Yet in the economy, it is systematically devalued. Care work is exhausting and underpaid. Yet without it, health and vitality are not possible. Care itself exists in a paradoxical tension: it is valued as an indispensable good. But in the market, it is treated as a second-class citizen – barely acknowledged in the relentless race for productivity and prosperity.

How did we get to this dysfunctional situation? And what can we do to change things? What would it mean to take health seriously as a societal goal? What would it take to introduce care as an organizing principle in the economy?

Insightful and deeply curious, The Economy of Care offers a bold and accessible manifesto for a healthier and more humane society. In this timely and very personal book, renowned ecological economist Tim Jackson explores these questions. He combines medical history, criticism of capitalism and health philosophy into a compelling analysis. He unpacks the gender politics of care, visits the birthplace of a universal dream and confronts the demons that prevent us from realizing it.

In a conversation, Tim Jackson and Friederike Habermann discuss this exciting new release and how the global north can create a regenerative economy of care that puts the health of individuals at its center.

Available at the event, in bookshops, at the Heinrich Böll Foundation or at:


Greeting from Imme Scholz, Director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation

  • Tim Jackson, Economist & Professor of Sustainable Development
  • Friederike Habermann, Economist, Historian & Freelance Academic


Christina Rode, Project officer Globalisation & Transformation

» Participation on site
at the the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Conference Center, Schumannstr. 8, 10117 Berlin

» Livestream
Alternatively, you can follow the event via the livestream without registering.
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Livestream in German

Part of the series
Transformatives Wirtschaften
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung - Headquarter Berlin
Schumannstr. 8
10117 Berlin
Heinrich Böll Foundation - Headquarters Berlin
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