All events at a glance


Online event Monday, 18. January 2021
Three protagonists of the 2011 revolutions share their experiences
Online event Wednesday, 20. January 2021
Linking Washington and Berlin


Online event Tuesday, 09. March 2021
10 years Fukushima, 35 years Chernobyl: Still a long way from becoming history


Discussion Thursday, 22. April 2021 /
Short and Long-term Perspectives


Discussion Tuesday, 11. May 2021
An online conversation series on the consequences and management of the pandemic
Online event Thursday, 20. May 2021
Women Take on the Digital Divide - Part 5


Online event Tuesday, 31. August 2021
Fabric of Society - Living through the Pandemic


Online event Thursday, 21. October 2021
Cities and municipalities all over Europe show that another migration policy is not only possible, but that it is already happening.


Online event Wednesday, 15. December 2021
Why too much finance harms the European economy and society
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